
Testing Testing

So when you're going to do any kind of race, you need to replenish fluids with water first and foremost, but also with some kind of hydration mix and energy bar/gel.

Being hydrated means you'll have a better race and will feel better before and after the race. (To some extent since training is a larger component of whether you'll feel good during and after the race).

You also need to test out any hydration, energy and protein replacement products WHILE you train. You don't want to wait till race day to try something new because either it'll upset your stomach or you'll hate the taste of it or you'll find that it was a waste of your money because it didn't enhance your performance.

Since the series of triathlons I'm doing are supported with Gatorade Endurance formula, I decided to start there. I've always preferred Gatorade (the basic formula you can buy at just about any grocery store) since it messes with my stomach the least and it makes me feel hydrated. But then I tried Gatorade Endurance (http://www.itsonthecourse.com/) and it ROCKS! The taste is a bit saltier than the original mix, but it tastes great! It has definitely given me more energy and I feel like my endurance has increased while using it. You can purchase it online (i love http://www.trisports.com/ because they are friendly and thorough...they also sign off the packing slip with a "Thanks Jenny" and a smiley face every time...i love it!) or from some triathlon stores and running stores.

In the past, when I've done a sprint tri or a 8 mile run, using gatorade (i mix my own to make it less sweet) and some energy gels (I love Gu) has been sufficient. But based on all of the triathlon podcasts I've been listening to lately that talk about 1/2 iron and iron distances, it's apparent that I'll need more than the hydration mix and energy gels. The missing factor is some protein. The concept seems to be that you would take in some mix of protein and hydration drink on the bike portion of the 1/2 iron distance. This mix will feed your muscles' glycogen stores and help reduce the conversion of your muscles into energy. It also feeds your muscles some protein to minimize the damage to your muscle tissue during and after the race--your muscles will recover quicker after the race since they'll be less damaged during the race. Makes sense.

The names I keep hearing about are Hammer's Perpetuum & Sustained Energy (http://www.hammernutrition.com/za/HNT?PAGE=PRODUCT_CATEGORY&CAT=NUTRI&OMI=10103,10082,10047&AMI=10103) and Accelerade (http://www.accelerade.com/). There are many more out there but these are the three that I've heard about from the podcasts or friends.

So I tried Hammer's Perpetuum on last Thursday's workout of swimming for an hour then running for 90 minutes. Perpetuum is orange creamsicle flavored but it wasn't enough to cover the icky protein taste for me. I really didn't like it. I can't even tell if it helped my muscles feel better.

So I tried Accelerade on a long run the week before and actually loved the taste of the Orange flavor but not the Lemon-Lime one (tasted like tequila mix--but i love tequilas). I feel that the Accelerade fed my muscles a bit. It was slightly noticeable. Compared to Sustained Energy, Accelerade has less protein and less carbs (and the carbs are primarily made up of sugars in Accelerade).

Then yesterday on the 2 hour bike with 30 min run afterward, I tried Hammer's Sustained Energy. This stuff is nonflavored but is made with protein so you definitely can taste the protein a little and definitely feel a little bit of the chalkyness. However, since it was unflavored, I was able to mix it with Gatorade Endurance to make it taste great. I feel that the Gatorade Endurance mixed with the Sustained Energy made me feel great on the bike and the run. The transition from biking legs to running legs was less awkward and less painful than usual. So I'll have to test Sustained Energy again.

Post training/race workout nutrition is as important as the nutrition during. Based on my research, drinking a protein shake or drinking chocolate milk after a workout will help muscles recovery by feeding the muscles the protein it needs to rebuild. It'll thus reduce muscle aches the next day and you'll be able to work out the next day without feeling the previous day's soreness. I'm still experimenting on what works best for me. So far it's been Designer Whey protein powder (http://www.designerwhey.com/life-changing-products/index.php) (strawberry or vanilla taste the best) mixed as a smoothie with fresh strawberries, organic apple juice, organic plain yogurt, and Amazing Grass Green SuperFood powder (this stuff of awesome--lots of greens and great for the immune system and energy) (http://www.amazinggrass.com/superfood-home.html). And it tastes great for a protein shake. One last plug before I go---my dad saw an infomercial on the Magic Bullet blender...yeah, I know, infomercials are cheesy but this product is awesome. I use it to make my smoothie protein shake and it's really easy to clean and use and it takes up minimal space in the cupboard. (to clean it, just stick the blade top and the cup in the dishwasher...it comes with another blade top and several cups too) Check it out at http://www.buythebullet.com/. We bought ours at Target about 3 years ago and it still works great.

Keep testing yourself!

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